Severe Acne Treatment Starts in Your Gut

Did you know the best severe acne treatment starts in your gut? It’s true!

The more you know about how a severe acne treatment can help you have a clear, beautiful skin, the sooner and better you’ll look and feel.

Every day, millions of Teens and Adults of all ages, are struggling to find a safe and effective way to deal with acne and prevent it from recurring.

Every month, women can experience hormonal fluctuations known as Androgens.

This means that having the knowledge and systems to deal effectively with acne on a long-term basis, is the first step on the path to maintaining a clear, healthy and beautiful skin.

So, let’s begin by dealing with the truth and facts about acne:
Our largest body organ, our skin, not only houses our body and many vital systems, but it serves as sentry against airborne germs, pathogens and toxic chemicals.

The skin may be attacked or polluted from inside and outside the body.
Successful attacks on our skin can result in outbreaks of acne.
Yeast and bad bacteria originating in the gut, can enter the bloodstream and become trapped in your sweat glands and/or hair follicles.

What actually causes acne to occur?

Each pore of your skin is the opening to a follicle. A follicle is made up of a hair and a sebaceous (oil) gland.

The oil gland releases sebum (oil) which travels up the hair, out of the pore and unto your skin. Sebum is required to keep skin lubricated and soft. This natural lubrication process becomes a factor in the production of acne when:

  • Too much oil is produced by your follicles

  • Dead skin cells accumulate in your pores

  • Bacteria grow in your pores

The pimple you see is produced when the bacteria are growing in an oil-clogged pore and are called Whiteheads. If the pimple is open at the surface and the bacteria and oil are exposed to the oxygen in the air, the head of the pimple may appear black. The black color is not caused by dirt in the pimple; it is produced when the bacteria and oil are oxygenated by the air.

Where does acne appear on our body?

Acne typically appears on your face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders because these areas of skin has the most oil (sebaceous) glands.

What do the varied forms of acne look like?

• Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)
• Blackheads (open plugged pores)
• Small, red tender bumps (papules)
• Pimples (pustules) which are papules with pus at their tips
• Large, solid, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin (nodules)
• Painful, pus-filled lumps beneath the surface of the skin (cystic lesions)

Acne can be a challenge to manage and finally eliminate. Pain and scarring can cause unwelcome levels of emotional stress. Begin to treat the problem as soon as possible to avoid the ravages of uncontrolled breakouts.

What types of acne cause scars?

The papules, pustules, nodules and cysts are inflammatory lesions that are more likely to cause scarring. Blackheads and Whiteheads (the comedones) are often treated and eliminated without scarring.

What factors can trigger or activate acne from within?

Hormones: Androgens are hormones that increase in boys and girls during puberty. These hormones cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum.

Some women experience acne flare-ups a week before menstruation.

In older adults, a sudden onset of severe acne may signal an underlying disease requiring medical attention.

Medications: drugs containing corticosteroids, testosterone or lithium.

Diet: some foods may worsen acne, such as carbohydrate rich foods (bread, bagels, chips) skim milk, chocolate and refined sugars.

Stress: emotional stress and the negative effects on your body chemistry can make your acne worse.

Self Esteem: Young people are embarrassed to have a visible acne condition, and some have even chosen to stay at home instead of going to school and enjoying the academic and social life they really want to have. In the workplace, adults can feel less confident in their ability to function professional and even reluctant to attend meetings with their peers and clients both in and out of their office.

Tap Water:  may contain chlorine and other contaminants such as fluorine compounds, trihalomethanes, salts of arsenic, radium, aluminum, copper, lead, mercury, cadmium and barium.

Hormones, nitrates and pesticides are also among the offenders that can poison the body from within and kill the good bacteria whose presence promotes a healthy skin.

Family History: Genetics play a role in why you may get acne. If parents or other close relatives have acne, you may develop it as well.

What external factors can contribute to the formation of acne?

Greasy or oily substances.

When your skin comes into contact with oily or greasy lotions and creams, you may see acne as the skin’s response.

If you work in a kitchen where vats of grease are used in the cooking or French fries, chicken or fish, you may be highly at risk for outbreaks of acne if you are acne prone.

Cosmetics and Creams:

Women should choose oil-free creams and foundation where possible, in order to avoid more clogging of the pores. Do not use any products that contain parabens, ammonium glycols, formaldehyde, alcohol or synthetic fragrances (just to name a few). These substances may negatively impact the treatment and cure of acne.

What can you do to prevent pimples and clear up your acne?

Self-care activities should include:

  • Cleaning your skin 2 or 3 times daily with a mild soap or an oil-free cleanser to remove excess oil and dirt.

  • Shampooing your hair regularly and keeping your hair off your face.

  • Using make-up that is water-based or labelled “noncomedogenic (not pore-clogging).

  • Avoid squeezing or picking at pimples as these actions will spread the oil and bacteria.

  • Avoid wearing hats or snug headbands

  • Avoid touching your face

  • Removing makeup and cleaning your skin gently but thoroughly before going to bed each night

  • Changing your pillowcases daily

  • Showering after exercising

  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing

  • Eating a healthy diet with minimal refined sugars (which the bad bacteria love to feed upon)

  • Doing whatever you can to reduce the amount of stress in your life

Since acne can appear in so many different forms, learn the specific treatments available which will be most effective on the various types: Generally, acne in its various forms, are very treatable.

By making recommended life-style changes and by choosing safe but effective cleansers. Topical sprays or gels can cure many forms of acne. Some types of acne, however, can be more difficult to treat. For example, modular acne can become inflamed, infected and painful.

If your acne problem does not respond well to your personal efforts to eradicate it, you must seek the help of a specialist. The specialist will be able to manage your acne with prescription medications and perhaps, drainage or extraction therapies. Antibiotics such as tetracycline can help fight bacteria and infection from the inside out. Birth control pills are often part of acne therapy under a doctor’s supervision. Laser light can be used to help reduce the levels of bacteria that are causing symptoms of infection. In some cases, chemical peels and microdermabrasion can be utilized to remove the top layer of your skin.

Chemical peels can improve mild acne scarring

The drainage and extraction procedures are performed manually by the Doctor. The large cysts are drained to remove the fluids, dirt, pus, dead skin cells and bacteria, that have caused the painful inflammation. Your doctor may then inject antibiotics or a steroid in the cyst to speed up healing and reduce scarring. Are there special concerns to consider if you choose to treat your acne while you’re pregnant? Pregnant women may indeed experience an acne breakout and may not have all the same treatment options as others.

Most of the medications used to treat acne in teen and adults are not safe to use during pregnancy

Some category “C” drugs (such as topical retinoids) can cause harm to the fetus if given in large amounts. If you are pregnant, do not ingest or use any skin treatments without your Doctor’s approval and direction.

Potential Side Effects

Side effects of acne treatments can vary depending on the method you choose and the strength of different medications. For topical acne treatments, the most common side effects are skin dryness and irritation. Fortunately, these symptoms are temporary. They often improve as your body gets used to the treatments. If your skin itches, burns or peels heavily, tell your Doctor.

The potential side effects of oral medications can be more serious.  Antibiotics can give you an upset stomach or make you dizzy and light-headed. If you’re also taking birth control pills, use a back-up birth control method. Some antibiotics reduce how well birth control pills protect you from pregnancy.

If you’re using birth control pills to manage your acne, be aware that side effects or oral contraceptives include a risk of blood clots and high blood pressure.

Oral isotretinoin can cause adverse side effects, especially if you become pregnant while taking it. Serious birth defects have been reported in babies whose mother took isotretinoin during pregnancy. The medication can also increase depression and mood swings and affect your cholesterol levels and liver function.

Topical medications include lotions, gels and cream that you apply to your skin. You typically apply a thin coat on your skin in the morning and bedtime before washing your face. Some are available over the counter and others will require a prescription from your doctor.

Over-the-counter acne [products usually contain the active ingredient salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These substances reduce the amount of oil your body produces.  The also fight inflammation. These effects help treat existing blemishes and prevent new ones from forming.

Prescription topical medications can help when the other-the-counter products aren’t strong enough. These acne gels or creams may contain tretinoin (a retinoid drug that comes from Vitamin A) and is a stronger version of benzoyl peroxide or an antibiotic called clindamycin. These may do a better job of killing bacteria when your acne is moderate to severe. Your Doctor will decide what topical is best for your condition.

What are the potential risk factors for developing acne?

Teens are most at risk for developing acne during puberty. During this time, the body undergoes hormonal changes. These changes can trigger oil production, leading to an increased risk of acne. Hormonal acne related to puberty usually subsides or at least improves when young people reach adulthood.

Many people believe that foods such as chocolate bars or chocolate coated candies and French fries contribute to acne. While there is no scientific evidence to support these assumptions, there is evidence to support that the consumption of excessive amounts of sugar and a diet high in carbohydrates such as bread, pastries and commercial snack foods such as chips, can all contribute to the development of acne.

An imbalanced gut may be filled with a disproportionate number of bad bacteria and yeast that is trying to remove itself from the body. AS these bad bacteria try to exit the body, they become trapped in the sweat glands and hair follicles. These bacteria then start to slowly consume the skins lower levels, which over time, present themselves as various skin conditions.

Tap water may also contribute to the development of acne. Here are some of the chemicals that may be found in tap water:

  • Chlorine

  • Fluorine compounds

  • Trihalomethanes

  • Nitrates

  • Pesticides

The skin absorbs the chlorine and other contaminants from tap water, effectively poisoning the body. Chlorine not only kills the bad bacteria that can make us sick, but it also kills the good bacteria on which our skin depends for good health.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that some popular non-prescription acne lotions, cleansers and other skin products can cause a serious reaction. This type of reaction should be monitored and not confused with the redness, irritation or itchiness where you’ve applied medications or skin care products.

Seek emergency medical help, if after using a skin product, if you experience:

  • Faintness

  • Difficulty Breathing

  • Swelling of the eyes, face, lips or tongue

  • Tightness of the throat

  • Any cramping or swelling

Acne Myths

Eating greasy foods has little or no effect on acne. However, working in a greasy kitchen may promote acne because the oil can stick to your skin and block the hair follicles. This further irritates the skin and promotes the growth of acne.

Acne is not caused by dirty skin. In fact, scrubbing the skin too hard or cleansing with harsh soaps or chemicals, irritates the skin and can acne worse. Using chemical peels may be too harsh for some acne sufferers and should be avoided.

All cosmetics don’t necessarily worsen acne, especially if you use oil-free makeup that doesn’t clog pores. Non-oily cosmetics don’t interfere with the effectiveness of acne treatmentapplications.

Stress itself doesn’t necessarily cause acne, but if you already have acne, excessive stress can make the condition much worse.

If you are looking for a natural acne treatment and want to control the growth of the bad bacteria that contribute to the acne condition, than the Structured Silver Products, including the liquids and gels from My Doctor Suggests, are among the best all-natural products to promote the healing and resistance to the acne condition.

The Structured Silver Organic Soap works in concert with the liquid silver and Gel to not only gently cleanse the skin, but to combat the blemish causing bacteria. Daily use of Silver Organic Soap exfoliates the skin, removes the old dead skin cells and leaves your face and body feeling fresh and clean.

The “Welcome Bundle” they offer is designed to last 24 days. Taking the liquid 2 times per day at 2 tablespoons per serving. It’s very important to take 2 times per day s the product does not metabolize in the body and passes through the body over the course of 8 hours (also ensures you drink a lot of water). The Silver Gel is best applied after a shower or bath while the pores are still open. Apply the Silver Gel liberally to your face and affected areas of your body. Many happy users report that they experience a noticeable change and a very positive experience within just a few days.

For skin conditions that are more apparent on the body and have been present for a longer period of time, Dr. Pedersen recommends the “Intermediate Bundle.” This bundle provides you with more of these exceptional products, all at a discount and approximately 6 weeks worth of Structured Silver Products. All products come with a no-questions asked Guarantee and so you risk nothing.

Thousands of happy, satisfied customers have been thrilled with the positive results they’ve experienced since they began to use the Unique Structured Silver Products, week after week and month after month. Start your journey to beautiful skin today!

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