How Do You Start Bringing Faith Into Your Child's Life?

If you are a person who recognizes the many ways in which faith can enrich and fulfill your life and, just as importantly, you believe that it is the key to peace in the afterlife, then it’s only natural that you want your kids to follow in your footsteps. However, what can you do to make sure that they are really developing an idea of what faith actually means? Here are a few tips to that end.

Take them to church with you

One of the most important things that anyone can do to bolster their sense and to lay a foundation for it is to go to church every week. Introducing your child to your religious community can help them immediately set off on the right foot, even better if your church has a bible study group for children that they can participate in.

Model a faith-filled life in yourself

Children will always follow their parents. You are their first and most important role model, so it’s important that how you impart faith to them isn’t just by dictating it, but by living it in example, as well. Show virtue, understanding, compassion, and performing acts of service, at home and in the community, is going to help you be the role model that your child needs.

Help them better understand the life of Jesus

The story of Jesus of Nazareth is the cornerstone of the Christian faith and, as such, helping your children understand and connect with the life the man is important for developing their faith. Aside from church groups, forming that connection is easier with child-friend media, such as the Veggie Tales Easter movie. As they get older, they can better understand and appreciate in a more multi-faceted way, but it’s best to start in a way suited to their levels of thinking at that age/

Find the lessons that you can share from the Bible

The Bible, in its entirety, is not exactly what you would call child-friendly reading. Aside from all of the allegory and historical records done in it, children of that age often do better with stories that feel like they have some applicability in their lives. One of the wonderful things about the Bible, of course, is that it’s full of great allegorical tales, including those from Jesus Himself, which can make excellent life lessons for the kids, with a little help interpreting it.

Don’t be afraid to demonstrate some authority

Faith is not just a belief in and a connection with God and the church. It is about submission to a higher will. A lot of parents have some trepidation about enforcing authority, due to the idea that it limits expression in their children. However, if you want to truly raise them in faith, this means adhering to faith, as well, and living a virtuous life in accordance with it.

The question of how to raise a child in faith is one that every parent who believes has to take the time to figure out. The tips above can help, but it’s on you to make an effort to really make it happen.
