How To Pass Time On A Flight If You're A Gamer

If you’re heading on a long flight, chances are you’re going to want to think of things to do. For while going away is fun, the flying part tends to be tedious and take a long time. Whether you’re heading away for work, for a family occasion, or for a vacation, you’re going to want to do what you can to make the time pass by quickly. In this article we take a look at some top tips on how to pass time on a flight if you’re a gamer - you just need to be prepared and you'll find it goes by in no time. Keep on reading to find out more.

Download your favorite games to play them offline

One of the first things you want to do when heading on a flight is to download your favorite games so you can play them offline. No matter what it is you enjoy playing, whether it’s how to solve a quordle, Fortnite or chess, ensuring you can play it without an internet connection is key. We recommend not leaving it until you get to the airport to do this as their internet connection can often be temperamental. 

Read up on your best game tactics

If you don’t want to be on a device while in the air or if your charge won’t last long enough for you to play something, it can be a great time to brush up on your game tactics. You could download a book on your Kindle, buy one to bring with you, or purchase a gamer magazine while in the airport. When you land you’ll have picked up some great tactics that should help you beat your opponents in no time at all. It’s a win-win scenario!

Consider downloading videos of other games to watch

If you want to immerse yourself in the world of gaming but don’t want to play when in the air, why not download some videos of other games you can watch? With things like YouTube premium, you can download your favourite YouTubers and watch their videos without the internet. There are also programs and documentaries on gaming on services such as Netflix or Amazon Prime that you can download. These can help make the time pass and also give you a new insight into different aspects of gaming too.

These are just a few things you can do to pass the time on a flight if you’re a gamer. Whether you want to have a go at playing the Sims from up in the air, read more on some tactics to help you win a tournament you have coming up (perhaps that’s where you’re flying off to!) or something else, it’s a great way to make the time feel more rewarding as opposed to being bored. What are some top tips you have for passing time on a flight if you’re a gamer? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.
