Posts in Uncategorized
How I Reset My Brain by Floating

The rapid pace of life we live today is not normal. My latest piece, published by mindfulness magazine elephant journal, describes a way to rest the brain and start anew from a place of clarity and calm. Find it here.  

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I Reset My Brain by Floating

When was the last time you actively chose to remove yourself from every possible distraction? No phone, no tv, no external stimuli of any kind? Never? Aside from sleep, we just don't ever unplug. From the time we wake to the time we set the phone on the nightstand, we are constantly under siege from outside opinions and activity.

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Moms, Stop the Self-Shaming and Be Selfish.

How does a parent (especially a mother) justify taking time away from their family to do something completely indulgent and self-aggrandizing like working out, reading a book in one sitting, or just being alone? Why is taking space for oneself considered abhorrent and selfish in this society? It may be due to unattainable expectations put on parents-both moms and dads, and the shame that goes along with failing to live up to what we erroneously think is the standard.

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Mindfulness Matters. Here's How To Get Started.

My relationship with meditation began in 2007, when I was traveling for work to various Native American reservations to assist in probating estates. Unbeknownst to many, the United States government holds most Indian land in a trust, and when a Native American dies, the government must hold a hearing to distribute the land to the rightful heirs.  

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A Review of the Tesla Model X

The decision to purchase the Tesla Model X was not one we came to lightly. Aside from the initially staggering price tag, it requires a complete overhaul of the way you think about traditional modes of transportation. We were already familiar with electric vehicles, having owned a Nissan Leaf for a few years, but understandably that was like transitioning from a bike with training wheels to a special edition Ducati.

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